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Starting your Sister Circle

Sisters of Strength the Sisterhood was establish to provide members with the tools to live life as God has designed it to be; to provide resources and share information that will empower and equip them to unlock their purpose, as well as provide a platform where you can grow, learn, and develop true Friend-ships with like minded women whose desire is to live life and live it more abundantly.

Starting your own sister circle couldn’t be easier. All you need to do is invite a few sister friends, decide on a place, date and time. Sister circles are an engaging and wonderful way to create a sisterhood bond. The person who starts the Sister Circle will be known as the Big Sister, each sister circle will have the following three offices: President, Vice-President, and Secretary.  In order to start a Sister Circle in your City or State you MUST:

*Be a member of Sisters of Strength the Sisterhood

*Committed to Community Service

*Strong leadership Skills

*Able to Recruit Members for your Circle

*Good Communication & Organization Skills

*Attend Annual & Bi-Annual Conferences


*Follow the Procedures and Guidelines of the Sisterhood 

Let's Start your Sister Circle Today!

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